Hello Fretlight Players - we've got another special treat for you this week!
This week's FREE video features Keith Urban teaching you how to play the chords for the intro section of his hit song "Kiss A Girl". There are two very important things to watch for in this video: First, you will notice that several of the chord shapes that Keith uses require some wide stretches with the fretting hand, so make sure that you keep your thumb behind the neck when practicing each of the chord shapes. Second, Keith uses a lot of percussive strumming with his picking hand. As he strums the chords, he brings his hand down onto the strings to create a really cool rhythmic "backbeat". Remember that you can SLOW DOWN the video and practice at your own pace until you can get up to full speed.
To download this week's Video Riff, click the download link shown below, save the video to your computer, and open it up through Fretlight Studio (using Video Player).
Don't forget to check back next week for your next FREE Video Riff!
Have Fun :)
The Fretlight Team
If you would like to watch a short sample clip from this video before you download it, click here:
Download the FULL version of the “Fretlight Video Riff: Kiss A Girl" by clicking here: