Hello Fretlight Players - here is this week's FREE "Fretlight Video Riff"!
This week's Video Riff features the intro chord progression from "Highway To Hell" as played by AC/DC. This progression is based on a sequence of three chords, which are A Major, D/F# and G Major. When practicing these chords, pay very close attention to your rhythm and strumming. You will find that even though this progression only uses three chords, getting the proper rhythm and strumming with each chord is essential to getting this part to sound right. Remember that you can SLOW DOWN the video and LOOP IT until you can get the chord changes and the correct strumming patterns up to full speed.
Once you've got the intro chord section down, then click here
to purchase the full MIDI song from the Fretlight Store!
To download this week's Video Riff, click the download link shown below, save the video to your computer, and open it up through Fretlight Studio (using Video Player).
Don't forget to check back next week for your next FREE Video Riff!
Have Fun :)
The Fretlight Team
If you would like to watch a short sample clip from this video before you download it, click here:
Download the FULL version of the “Fretlight Video Riff: Highway To Hell” by clicking here: