Hello Fretlight Players - here is this week's FREE "Fretlight Video Riff"!
This week's Riff features the verse chord progression from "Because" as played by The Beatles. This song comes from the 1969 album "Abbey Road" and is a great example of the unique writing style that is characteristic of the band's later writing period. Although many of the chords used in this progression are straight ahead Major and Minor chords, there are also several "tension" chords that are used to spice things up, including 7th and 13th chords as well as a few Diminished chord variations. These new chord types really add a lot of depth and movement to the progression and help to contribute to the overall "eeriness" of the song. Each chord in this progression is played as an arpeggio so pay close attention to your picking hand to make sure that you get all of the correct patterns. Remember that you can SLOW DOWN the video and LOOP IT until you can get the chord changes and picking up to full speed.
To download this week's Video Riff, click the download link shown below, save the video to your computer, and open it up through Fretlight Studio (using Video Player).
Don't forget to check back next week for your next FREE Video Riff!
Have Fun :)
The Fretlight Team
If you would like to watch a short sample clip from this video before you download it, click here:
Download the FULL version of the “Fretlight Video Riff: Because” by clicking here: